November 30, 2008

Sermon Audio: Waiting for a Change to Come

Waiting for a Change to Come
James 5:7-8
November 30, 2008
Peace Fellowship Sermons
Rev. Dennis Edwards, MDiv, MA, PhD

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November 23, 2008

Sermon Audio: The Gospel for Christians

The Gospel for Christians
2 Corinthians 5:1 - 22
November 23, 2008
Peace Fellowship Church Sermons
Steve Park

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November 16, 2008

Sermon Audio: Back to Nature

Back to Nature
Hosea 14:1-9
Nov. 16, 2008
Peace Fellowship Sermons
Rev. Dennis Edwards, MDiv, MA, PhD

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November 14, 2008

Study Questions: Back to Nature

(Hosea 14)

This week's questions:

1. The last chapter of Hosea's prophecy has in it a final call to repentance. We noted earlier, in chapters seven and eight, that the people regularly attempted to take matters into their own hands by forming suspect alliances and trusting in their man-made idols. The prophet tells the people to tell God that they will turn away from those very practices (v. 3). Sometimes our spiritual leaders need to speak directly to us concerning the sin in our lives. Are there any un-confessed sin in your life? How might God be trying to get your attention in regards to it? Pray and ask God to reveal those areas in your life that need to be yielded over to Him.

2. In verse four, God responds by healing His people. Within these two verses (three and four) we have the classic theme of confession, repentance and forgiveness (cf. 1Jn 1: 9). God goes on to say that His love knows no bounds. In light of the severity of Israel's sin, demonstrated throughout the prophecy, how might we be encouraged to know or be reminded of God's endless love? Explain.

3. The prophecy ends by proclaiming that the righteous live according to the ways of God (v. 9). What does it mean to live according to His ways? In a practical sense, how do we accomplish t

November 12, 2008

Photos: Men's Fellowship Football Game

Here are some shots from our recent men's fellowship football game. For more photos, click here for Phil Wenger's Flickr album.

November 9, 2008

Sermon Audio: Defeating the Giants

Defeating the Giants
1 Chronicles 20:1-8
Nov. 9, 2008
Peace Fellowship Sermons
Minister Damon Dozier

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November 2, 2008

Sermon Audio: Struggling With God

Struggling With God
Hosea 12:1-13:16
Nov. 2, 2008
Peace Fellowship Sermons
Rev. Dennis Edwards, MDiv, MA, PhD

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November 1, 2008

Study Questions: Struggling With God

(Hosea 12 & 13)

This week's questions:

1. Earlier we discovered that certain Jewish parents gave their children names that were indicative of their personal or social circumstances. Hosea reflected on Jacob’s birth and calls God’s people “Jacob” (12: 2). The name means “to grab the heel” or “to trick.” Read Gen 25: 19-26 and 27: 1-36. Why is the prophet calling the people Jacob? Are there any similarities between his character and the people as a whole? Explain.

2. In Gen 32: 22-32 Jacob wrestled with God. His name was changed to “Israel.” This name can mean, “to wrestle or struggle with God,” but many scholars take it to be a command: “Let God strive.” This experience appears to have been a conversion point for Jacob. Thus the course of his life dramatically changed after this event. What does it mean to wrestle with God? Have you ever contended with Him? In what ways were you changed after such an encounter?

3. According to Hosea, God reminds His people that He was the One who delivered them from their oppressors (12: 9 and 13: 4). We often need to be reminded of God’s goodness to us in the midst of our trials. Why do you think we forget about our Father’s benevolence toward us? Practically speaking, how do we remember God’s help? What is the role of our Christian communities? When has God delivered you from an impossible situation?

4. Consider the commands of 12:6:

  • Come back to God
  • Act with love and justice
  • Always depend on Him (or “wait for Him” as some translations have)
  • Spend some time in prayer committing to these three actions: repentance, caring for others with love and justice, and waiting for God as an act of faith.