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January 27, 2008
January 26, 2008
Hebrews Week 3 Study Questions
January 27, 2008 Hard Head, Hard Heart, Hard Time! (Hebrews 3:1—4:13)
Discussion Questions:
1. In this week's passage, Hebrews' author is interpreting Psalm 95 in light of Jesus. He tells us to "think" about Him. Read the Psalm in its entirety. What is the significance of the author's sense of urgency in thinking about and "listening to Jesus' voice 'today'" (see vv. 3: 7, 13, 15 & 4: 7)?
2. Check out Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 13-14. These situations appear to be what is behind Psalm 95 and Hebrews 3:16-19. What do you think of the Israelites in those passages? Are we ever like that today?
3. "God's rest" is another phrase that came up many times in our passage (see 3: 11, 18, 19 & 4: 1-11). What are some ways of understanding God's rest and what does it have to do with the Sabbath?
4. Review the ways that the author gives to insure that his audience will "enter God's rest" (i.e., the list from the sermon, or make a new list based on places like 3:16-19; 4:11-13).
Labels: Sermon Notes
January 20, 2008
Hebrews Week 2 Study Questions
January 20, 2008 Perfect Through Suffering (Hebrews 2:5-18)
Discussion Questions
1. Hebrews is replete with OT references. In chapter 2 the author quotes Psalm 8: 4-6; 22: 22 and Isaiah 8: 17, 18. Read these texts in their context. What is the significance of the author of Hebrews putting the words of the Psalm 22 and Isaiah in Jesus' mouth? How is Jesus equating Himself to humanity?
2. According to Hebrews 2, Jesus is a "faithful High Priest," a notion that will be expounded upon later on in the book. First, using a concordance look to the OT to find some references to the High Priest. What were his roles/duties? Compare to Hebrews 2 and the ministry of Jesus. In an ultimate sense, why were the priests of old insufficient? Why was Jesus deemed the faithful High Priest?
3. Now what? Drawing from the conclusions that have been gleaned from the discussion of questions one and two, how are we to conduct ourselves?
4. Reflect a moment on Hebrews 2:18 (feel free to compare it with Heb 4:15). How does Jesus help us when we are tempted?
5. How might the message of 2:14-15 help to communicate hope to our friends and others who do not have a relationship with Jesus?
Labels: Sermon Notes
January 13, 2008
Hebrews Sermon Series and Week 1 Study Questions
Pastor Dennis continues his new sermon series: "Movin' On Up! A Study of the Book of Hebrews." Please be in prayer for this sermon series. There are study questions pertaining to the series on our listserv and the blog.
January 13, 2008 Why Do I Need To Listen? (Hebrews 1:1—2:4)
Discussion Questions
1. List the ways that Jesus is described in Heb 1:1-4. See if you can match those attributes with the OT citations in vv. 5-13.
2. Look more closely at v. 3. Just what might it mean that, "The Son radiates God's own glory and expresses the very character of God?" How is this character evident in the world?
3. Jesus is compared to angels in these verses. According to 1:6, 7, 14, and 2:2 what do angels do? So, how is Jesus better?
4. What do you think of the warning of 2:1-4? How do we keep from drifting away?
5. Practically speaking, how do we communicate (or otherwise demonstrate) this greatness of Jesus to people around us?
Labels: Sermon Notes